Tico & the Man’s Stories XVI: Sounds of Water

When Tico’s art of improvisation became better, Lady Fairy Gina made him a gift: a charming perch made from scented wood. Our hero was happy as he had been dreaming about a perch of the kind for a long period of time and even had asked Frank to find one for him. He began shredding it with joy when the Fairy Lady stopped him:

‘Wait, Tico! It is not an ordinary perch. It is magic. It will allow you to travel around the nature with me, to learn the music of various elements and Cosmos itself. The human music is a reflection of the Universe movement. It is a result of endless transformations of time, space and sounds. It is a symphony of harmony born by water, wood, fire, metal and air. Do you see these twigs? These five are responsible for music, therefore for our voyage. Please, bite the closest one to you. Set we off!’

‘I beg your pardon, dearest Fairy Lady Gina, would you be so kind to find for me a similar perch without a magic power… It would make my parrot’s life easier…’

This request made the Fairy laugh, and in a minute she made another perch appear.

‘Could we begin our journey now?’

‘With great pleasure! Oh, my Girl!’ sang Tico back. He bit the twig, and they found themselves somewhere high in the air.

Our hero saw the Earth as he never did: endless oceans with their magnificent waves, deep blue seas full of sank ships, treasures and secrets; shallow rivers and waterfalls which joyful songs made the heart happy.

‘Water is the basis of our planet, dear Tico. It presents anywhere and in anything: plants, fruits, all the creatures and human beings consist of water. Water makes life possible, without it everything dies, ends its existence. Water also means stillness and conserving. It symbolizes winter when it is expressed in two amazing forms: ice and snow. Prepare, now we are moving to the North Pole for you to see a solemn glory of snows and icing.’

Lady Gina hardly said it when Tico felt unusually cold. Fairy Lady covered him with a fairy blanket, so he managed to admire a world of the Polar bears and penguins. He felt himself even a bit proud as he was one of the rare parrots who visited so cold lands. The entire journey he thought about his old teacher.

‘If only Mr. Toucchini could have beheld it! If I could have told him…’ the parrot repeated from time to time.

‘That’s good that you remember him, Tico!’

‘That’s a pity that there is no winter in the selva, dear Lady Gina! It would be funny to see it in snow!’

‘You do, dear Tico! However, due to warm climate it rains. By the way, you were also born in winter…’

‘True! It was the rain season… My mother called me Tico after rain drops falling upon my egg…’

‘Now, listen to the nature of water! You will hear voices that often remain mute for the humans.’

That’s how Tico learned melodious songs of water.

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 Maria KethuProfumo in collaboration with Tico & the Man Frank Maglio

About kethuprofumo

Reconstructing the Past for the glorious Future
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4 Responses to Tico & the Man’s Stories XVI: Sounds of Water

  1. Another lovely story, Maria. 😊

  2. Wonderful story, as ever ❣️

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