My Dear Aquileana, thank you so much for the Blogger Recognition Award. It’s a very unexpected surprise for me. I’m glad that my blog serves its purpose: to educate & to keep the light of Truth always up.

Note for My Esteemed Readers: Aquileana has a wonderful blog dedicated to Mythology, Literature & Philosophy. She shares bewitching pictures and very interesting information, so if you haven’t been there, I strictly recommend you to do that. You will get a true intellectual pleasure. Here is the link:

Blogger Recognition Award Rules

1) Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

2) Write a post to show your award

3) Give a brief story of how your blog started

4) Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers

5) Select 7 other bloggers you want to give this award to

6) Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.

How Eternamenta Blog Started

Oh, well…It was so long ago, I suppose, far long before I was sent back to Earth. 🙂 Somebody from a cheer angels’ company thought:’Why Maria not to start a blog when she is on Earth again? It will certainly make a world of good for the world.’  And this adventure began…somewhere in 2011, if I’m not mistaken.

Tips For New Bloggers

The best piece of advice is not to follow anyone’s advice. However I hope you will find my recommendations useful:

1) I believe that a blog must make good to the world. So, ponder upon it when you start it. A blog is a responsibility as many others we have in our non-digital reality.

2) Respect & love your audience. Create a positive friendly atmosphere for them, not to praise your own ego. When your Reader feel respected, it will become your friend sooner or later. In fact, cyber space doesn’t cancel morals of a good society.

My Nominees

My Dear Friends, here you are, my lucky chosen ones. If you are Award Free, no problem. Simply accept my nomination as a sign of respect to you & your blog:

Ad Hand

Caterina Rotondi

Don Massenzio

Marcello Comitini

Poeta da Garrafa


Robbie’s Inspiration


😉 😉 😉

Maria KethuProfumo