Astrological corner. All about stars: Adhara, a solemn sacrifice or toil

Adhara is Epsilon Canis Majoris. It is a binary star & the second bright one in the constellation of Canis Majoris. This is another ancient star of the night sky. The scientists consider that it is about 4.7 million years ago, but it is closer than Zeta Puppis. The distance from the Sun is only 430 light-years.  I believe that it is a good destination for a space travel week-ends.

Adhara is an Arabic name. It means “the Maidens/ the Virgins”. It is connected with neighbour stars Aludra & Wesen.

Astrology regards this star from a dual point of view: on one hand, this is a star of great spiritual missionaries who are able to change the world; on the othe,r this star might become a great punishment. If its bearer doesn’t follow the path of the spiritual growth, it might make him toil all his life without any reward .

It doesn’t matter if Adhara is well aspected & physically revealed in our birth-charts, its meaning should be a good message. We are not gods, but everyone can do at least a small good deed for the world, especially now when our reality has been driven insane.

Enjoy The Star Journey!

Maria KethuProfumo

About kethuprofumo

Reconstructing the Past for the glorious Future
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1 Response to Astrological corner. All about stars: Adhara, a solemn sacrifice or toil

  1. I like the idea of everyone doing a small good deed. I think that is the spirit of the star. Thank you, Dear Maria for the lesson today.

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